
Need for Support

Somehow it is so much easier for us to experience support from others than it is to receive it from ourselves. Often it only takes a few encouraging words from a friend. We just want to hear that we are capable, and competent. We want to hear that others believe our goals are meaningful and deserve to be accomplished. It is striking how difficult it is to encourage oneself, to believe for ourself that our goals are attainable and deserve to be accomplished. Often others have skills that we think would help make our goals actualize and we believe that if our ideas really were good ones then others would want to lend their skills as well. It can be hard to give others space to have many possible needs that they are wanting to tend to, instead of letting our minds assume the worse, assuming that people cannot help us because they do not care or they do not believe in our vision.


Call a friend

Trust us, they want to hear from you <3

Call a parent

If you have a parent you trust, consider calling them. It's awkward at first but I like to ask "will you still love me if x..." and then I share the anxiety inducing thought I'm struggling with. Even though you both know what their answer is, let them say it. Let yourself hear it. I promise they will love saying it, give them a chance to.

Have A Suggetsion?

Please email info@giraffeears.org to share any strategies we could add