HomeNeedsNeed for all living things to flourish

Need for Need for all living things to flourish

It can bring up great pain when our need for nurturing is not being met. We might think somehow we are to blame. Sometimes when we see suffering in other living things we experience pain that they are not being cared for or nurtured well. We might also feel it in us when someone’s behavior did not meet our need to be nurtured and/or considered.


Tend to a plant

Water a plant. Research how to care for your specific plant. Don't have a plant? Do you want one? Consider making an event of getting one.

Share your strategies!

No one likes unsolicited advise (unfortunately), but you can share your strategies here for others to find when they are looking for them ;) It would make our lives so much more wonderful if you did!

Have A Suggetsion?

Please email info@giraffeears.org to share any strategies we could add