
Need for Consideration

I experience this as a sort of social confusion around what one is needing. I sometimes think that others may be trying to make my life wonderful but they are doing it without first having made contact with what need is alive in me. So maybe they are trying to contribute to my need for support or accomplishment when really want I’m needing is connection or just to be heard. How I wish they had slowed down and given me room to share what I was needing. Interestingly I find that tending to the need for consideration in others sometimes is the most reliable strategy for me to tend to the very same need in me. Perhaps that experience is also indicative of the reality that we all share in the same Life -- such that serving life in anyone ultimately serves Life in all of us.


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Volunteering / Acts of Kindness

Tend to the life in others. Looks for ways that seem like trustworthy strategies to truly make life more wonderful for others. Sometimes we find that serving life in others turns out to serve life in us as well. Be careful to truly hear and identify what someone is needing before you try to do something you think they'd enjoy as it can turn out to be especially discouraging to have tried to make life wonderful for someone only to realize they were needing something else altogether. Make space for them to share their needs and make a clear request or seek out volunteer work that are confident really is doing good work.

Have A Suggetsion?

Please email info@giraffeears.org to share any strategies we could add