
Need for Accomplishment


Clean something

Clean your room, your kitchen, anything. Bring order to the chaos :)

Play a video game

There is such a wide diversity of video games out there. Calming exploratory games, puzzle games, combat, story, single or multiplayer, etc. Once I get in touch with the need that is alive in me it’s fun to look for a game or game genre that might tend specifically to that.

Crunch the numbers

This isn't for everyone I know, but I like to review my budget. I made a google sheet of my expenses vs my income. Having a clear plan really does calm my nerves.

Make art

Whatever kind. A scribble, a drawing, a painting, a piece of music.

Make a list and check things off

If you make the tasks small enough so as to avoid becoming overwhelmed the experience of checking something off a list can be very powerful. Things like “10 minutes playing piano scales” or “10 minutes cleaning the kitchen” are a great start. Set a timer and allow yourself to feel repeat when the ten minutes are up. Don’t force yourself to go past these simple goal. Enjoy having make a goal and achieved it.

Have A Suggetsion?

Please email info@giraffeears.org to share any strategies we could add